Flight Simulator Flight Planning Software

Jun 24, 2017 Hi guys, Im thinking of doing a round the world flight in my A2A Comanche. Im just wondering what flight planning software you guys use when doing GA flights? I already have PFPX which I use for my 777, but that seems to be directed for heavy metal flying, rather than GA. Best free games no download. XFlightPlanner is a web app for creating and editing flight plans online. It is optimized to be used with X-Plane flight simulator software. The user interface is built upon the Google Maps API which lets you create, load and edit flight plans directly on the map. Flight plans can be saved to the community database or downloaded to your hard drive.
About this website. XFlightPlanner is a web app for creating and editing flight plans online. It is optimized to be used with X-Plane flight simulator software. The user interface is built upon the Google Maps API which lets you create, load and edit flight plans directly on the map. SimBrief's Integrated Dispatch System is the web's most detailed FREE virtual flight planning service. Features include accurate fuel planning for over 100 aircraft types, real world weather forecasts, current NOTAMs, ETOPS planning, several real world airline OFP layouts, and much more! FlightSimSoft.com is a software company dedicated to create high quality software for flight simulation. Presently we are featuring the following products: VATroute Welcome to VATroute – your free route resource center! Presently, there are 16863 routes with 806 departure and 868 destination airports stored in.
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I need your help/advice in purchasing a good Flight Planner for my needs. I have the following Payware Aircrafts.
1. Quality Wings 757. Which I love and fly all the time since I can use the default FSX Flight planner. Easy, no SIDS and STARS to deal with and “out of date” Date Bases.
2. PMDG (B737 NG & B474) which I seldom fly, since I can't use the default FSX Flight planner. It's a shame since they are both fantastic aircrafts to fly.
3. I am also looking to purchase the iFLY 747 V2 that just came out.
I like setting up the FMC, Pre Take Off, Cruise and Landing settings. I just don't like entering Sids and Stars which in my opinion is a waste of time, that's what Flight Ops are for.
I looked up FPPX and it seems to be an all-round planner and would support all of the aircrafts I have and the new iFLY. I don't mind the price; it might be an over kill for what I want to do but it seems more complete than the others. I may be wrong, that’s why I am reaching out.
It also seems to support exporting flight plans to the MS FSX format. The reason I think that would be great is I would also like to continue using FSX ATC for departure clearance and landing. So if my flight plan is tied to FSX I can use it for that.
Please let me know your thoughts and comments, especially from individuals who have used FPPX or any other products that would support what I am looking for.
Thanks very much.
Kindest Regards.

Simulator Flight Planning
IFlightPlanner is the premier online flight planning resource for pilots, providing integrated flight planning with iFlightPlanner.com and iFlightPlanner for iPad. Check aviation weather, perform flight planning and routing, retrieve certified weather briefs, calculate weight & balance and file flight plans all in one simple process.