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Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths PDF Online. Why should be this website? First, many people trust us very well as the Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths PDF Online provider. Book Descriptions: Heroes, Gods and Monsters in Ancient Greek Mythology' is a collection of classic archetypal Ancient Greek myths, including the stories of Jason, Perseus, Odysseus, Heracles, Oedipus and Theseus, and many more dark and delirious, famous Ancient Greek myths. Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths pdf by Bernard Evslin One of the teens older children looking for your this. I was this reviewthank you you. Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Celtic Mythology' is a collection of classic myths from all over the Celtic world: from Scotland to Ireland to the Isle of Man to Wales and all the way to Brittany. These stories tell of the pride of warriors, the magic of gods and wars between clans.
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Preview — Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths by Bernard Evslin
The bestselling compendium of ancient Greece’s timeless tales and towering figures of mythology from a classics expert.
The world of Greek mythology contains some of the most exciting and imaginative stories ever told. In Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths, bestselling author Bernard Evslin shares his passion for these fabulous tales and the eternal themes they
Published October 30th 2012 by Open Road Media Teen & Tween (first published 1966)
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RosaI read this book in fifth grade reading class, and loved it. It would be perfect for sixth graders.
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Apr 12, 2009PurplyCookie rated it liked it · review of another edition
Obviously written for a younger audience (compared to the compliation of Hamilton & Bulfinch) since most of the more obscure Greek myths (and in many cases, the more interesting ones) are left out entirely; of the myths which are included, only one version is presented of each, obscuring the fact that in many cases there were multiple versions of each myth, each version interesting and useful in its own right. Yet with simple language and direct verse, he quite excellently brings out a depth..more
Apr 17, 2015Gabby rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is an interesting book about Greek myths, gods, goddesses, demigods who become heroes, and deadly monsters such as the Minotaur and Medusa. One myth tells the story of Zeus’s father, Cronos, who killed his own father Uranus in order to take his throne. However, Uranus tells him that one of his sons would overthrow him one day. So Cronos swallows his children as they are born: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. But he doesn’t know that Zeus made a drink that would force Cronos to vo..more
Heroes Gods And Monsters Spark Notes
Loved the way that the author introduced each character & told their stories. My only complaint is that I wish there were more stories included in this novel. It just felt a bit short.
Jul 09, 2016alex rated it liked it · review of another edition
This book is really interesting if you enjoy Greek myths. I really like how the author categorizes each section: Gods, Nature Myths, etc. The only con to this book is the layout of the words. They are very close together and not spaced out well, so it's slightly more 'annoying' to read and it doesn't make you want to read the book.
Sep 11, 2016OwlBeReading rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Had to read this for school and I thought that it was pretty good. I love Greek mythology so there's a plus. Not terrible but not great. The writing was a little strange but I liked how quick the chapters were. My favorite stories were about Aphrodite.
Jun 16, 2018David Stephens rated it liked it · review of another edition
For anyone wanting an introductory level account of some of the most well known Greek myths, this book should suffice. It provides brief overviews of many of the main gods of the pantheon as well as some nature myths and more detailed accounts of the demi-gods. Some of the stories even bother to give character motivations that go beyond the incessant pride, jealousy, and lust of the gods.
Of course, some of the myths seem maddening and random while others are complicated and quite beautiful. I ha..more
Aug 29, 2017Lauren rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Interesting, insomuch as I happen to be interested in Greek mythology. The tales are hyper short & are easy to understand. (Nice when you're a younger reader or someone who's just now being introduced to Greek mythology.) No comparison between the Greek Gods & the Roman Gods (who were 'borrowed' from the Greeks). Very light on the information. I didn't feel like I had to think hard & I didn't learn anything new, unfortunately.
That said, I would recommend this to those starting out in..more
During my senior year of High School, the nuns required us to translate portions of the Odyssey from Latin. From this I developed a strong interest in Greek Mythology. For about a year, I wrestled with the worlds described in the Odyssey, the Iliad and by Bulfinch. Then I moved on to other things. I'm back now! What great fun. For the youngsters out there who have not read about Poseidon, Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Eros, Perseus, Midas and the Demigods, I encourage you to see where the inspirati..more
This one is honestly also a five out of five! With Greek Gods, myths and why things the way they are, and the heroes from these mighty tales. I think this one is also very, very, VERY well written.
To be completely truthful; I didnt TECHNICALLY read this. I listened to a voice audio of the VA Todd Haberkorn reading it. It was because I couldnt get the books. But sometimes ignoring the voice and focusing on the story. I loved it! There is a lot I know about Greek Mythology. I just learned more, in..more
A nice little book about Greek mythology. Most of the stories are quite short, which I liked. Evslin Chose several to expand (the ‘Demigods’ section), and while they were nice, I wish he would have chosen others.
My favorite story was the Athene one and how spiders came to be!
Since I read this book for a class I won’t rate it but I did enjoy the last story a nice ending to a book where people get eaten on the first page.
This is a really engaging retelling of the Greek myths, surprising for what's considered a classic. It's like a compilation of short stories.
Aug 30, 2017Rachel added it · review of another edition
Not very well written but I did enjoy the stories that were told in the book.
May 19, 2017Trevor rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Personal response
One of my favorite stories in the book was Hephaestus, the Smith God the god who cast off a cliff, for being too ugly ,but was taken back when his gift as a smith was known to Olympus. As I read each story the ideas the greeks lived by became more clear.
The plot of the book is a series of old greek myths that taught morals and how things came to be. There was a lot of diversity with each story some being about those who are punished for loving themselves too much or some be..more
Jan 24, 2015Caroline Greyling rated it really liked it · review of another edition
As a writer, I’ve always had a soft spot for mythology, especially Greek mythology. These are the bones of many stories, the roots from which modern tales spring and the well from which many writers draw their inspiration.
Bernard Evslin tells the stories of gods, goddesses, heroes and monsters in a swift, straight to the point manner. This isn’t a flowery novel with lavish descriptions and it often breaks the ‘show don’t tell’ golden rule, but for the subject matter at hand, it is effective. Eac..more
Apr 13, 2012
Diana (Bever) Barber rated it
really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: childrens-classics-my-choice, myths-legends-fables
If only I spoke and read Greek, but Bernard Evslin does/did. He did not originally set out to translate or tell any of these stories. He was only following in the classically trained footsteps of his uncle, and he fell in love with Greek stories along the way. This edition of the myths FELT real to me. There are so many Greek Heroes/Gods/Monsters books out there, and most of them feel stilted or overly sanitized. This one told it like it is without being overly graphic. Bravo, Mr. Evslin, and th..more
Mar 24, 2017
Bren rated it
really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: historical, cultural, childhood-or-young-adult-years, read-and-reviewed, adventure
“Whoever takes me captive won't live long enough to enjoy it”
― Bernard Evslin, Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths
This is truly a fun book that gave me quite an education i n Greek Mythology. The stories are colorful and fun and there are so many. I adored reading this quite awhile ago and still do an occasional reread as it never loses it s sense of fun and adventure.
Feb 25, 2016
Melissa rated it
really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: for-my-maybe-someday-offspring, fairy-tales-myths-legends-oh-my, audiobooks
A great compilation of classic Greek myths! Some of them are very familiar, others not so much - but all were fun to listen to via the audiobook. A fun, quick book.
Mar 13, 2014Kariman Hassan rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Ridiculously over simplified but a good introduction to Greek mythology if you know nothing about it
Feb 13, 2013Britney Wolfe rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I found this extremely entertaining. A wonderful book to wind down with at bedtime.
Aug 19, 2012B rated it liked it · review of another edition
Obnoxious oversimplifications but it fits in your back pocket and is succinct enough to sneak in a story in a waiting room or on your lunch break.
Aug 05, 2016Tara rated it liked it · review of another edition
even darker and grittier than I remember. Now I'm ready to reread all the Percy Jackson books (!!)
Jul 06, 2018Shweta rated it really liked it
We have known the Greek Gods, the demigods and the heroes through various re tellings in fiction and movies that try to capture their essence in terms of powers and conquests. These books have never been comprehensive in their approach to mythology. One book might deal with a few Gods and demigods at most at one time and even then if its a retelling lot of changes occur in the story. I had always wanted a book that could be read as Greek Mythology 101. Written with the uninitiated in mind. Berna..more
Aug 16, 2017Ben Jordan rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I read ' Heroes, Gods, and Monsters go Greek myths ' by Bernard Evslin. Some things I liked about the book was it was a quick and simple read. I also liked that it had lots of myths in one book not one full myth.
I enjoyed the book being quick and simple because I am very busy and I do not have time to read about character development. For example when it talked about Theseus it said he was very proud, it did not build up the character to seem that way. If every character in all of these myths w..more
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Oct 11, 2018Tyler rated it really liked it
Reading Plato, I kept coming across references to Greek mythology that I didn't understand, so I decided to learn a bit about ancient Greece before continuing on to Aristotle. I'd watched Hercules as a kid, but not much else beyond that. Reading through these stories now that I'm older was fascinating. In one sense, it was nostalgic, even though I'd never read them before. Perhaps it was just the experience of reading fables and fairy tales in general that I was reminded of. Beyond that, however..more
Jun 07, 2019Katya Avanesyan rated it really liked it
I really enjoyed this book! I have long been curious to learn about Greek mythology and this was a great introduction to some of the most iconic stories. It was an extremely quick ready (only takes a few hours), and the author often interjects with facts about the origin and etymology of present day words and phrases, which is interesting. He also does a good job with the chronology of the stories (thanks to Cronos, I guess), making sure to introduce characters’ origins prior to writing their pe..more
Sep 18, 2018Kirsten Simkiss rated it liked it · review of another edition
Heroes Gods And Monsters Pdf Online
Honestly, it's not a bad book. While informational if you only have a slight amount of understanding when it comes to Greek mythology, it's a little bit simple in terms of the stories. Granted, these are meant to be the author's translations, but they leave a lot out regarding the gods. Heck, they only mention Ares once, in one sentence, in the entire book and he's part of the main pantheon. Clearly this author has a preference for Apollo, seeing as he covers more Apollo related stories than any..more
Jan 24, 2018Hayley rated it liked it · review of another edition
I am interested in just about anything related to the Greek myths, and this was no different. It was perfect to listen to in the car or getting ready in the morning. The narrator was excellent, and I loved the touches of dialogue that the author included to bring the heroes and gods and monsters to life. Though I listened to the audiobook, I think it would have been an easy and enjoyable read.
However, I do feel that some of the more popular stories were missing or incomplete, and for that reaso..more
Oct 28, 2017Cathy rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Having read all of the Percy Jackson books I wanted to learn more about Greek Mythology. This book got great reviews so I thought that I would give it a try. It did not disappoint. This book is for all ages. It tells the story of each God, Muse, Demi-God etc. in a way that you will remember way beyond the normal two week retention of so many facts.
If you or your child is interested in Greek Mythology I highly recommend this book.
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Bernard Evslin was an author best known for his adaptations of Greek mythology. With over seventy titles, which include both novel-length retellings and short stories, Evslin is one of the most widely published authors of classical mythology in the world. His best-known work is Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths, which has sold more than ten million copies worldwide and has been translat..more
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